Manoj Kumar Singh, an IAS officer and a trusted member of Yogi Adityanath’s inner circle, assumed the role of chief secretary of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday. He succeeds DS Mishra, whose tenure concluded this year.
Announcing the appointment, a government spokesperson stated, “When Yogi Adityanath became chief minister in 2017, he identified a group of bureaucrats known for their experience, efficiency, integrity, tenacity, and strong work ethic.” The spokesperson added that Manoj Kumar Singh is a crucial part of ‘Team Yogi’ and was chosen for the chief secretary position following a rigorous selection process.
Durga Shanker Mishra, a 1984-batch IAS officer, was set to retire on December 31, 2021. However, just two days before his retirement, he was repatriated to his parent cadre in Uttar Pradesh and appointed as its chief secretary. He has continued to serve in this position through an extension of his service.