In Uttar Pradesh, 11 senior IPS officers have been reassigned with new postings. Amarendra Kumar Sengar is now the Police Commissioner of Lucknow. S.B. Shiradkar has been appointed as the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) for the Lucknow Zone, while Ramit Sharma takes on the role of ADGP for the Bareilly Zone.
Premchand Meena has been transferred to ADG/CMD of the Police Housing Corporation in Lucknow. Vinod Kumar Singh will serve as ADG of Cyber Crime in UP, and Prakash D has been named ADGP of Railways.
Jai Narayan Singh is now the ADG at PTC, Sitapur, and L.V. Antony Dev will serve as ADG of CBCID, UP. Raghuveer Lal has been appointed ADG of SSF and ADG of Security, while K. Satyanarayana takes over as ADGP of Traffic & Road Safety.
Finally, B.D. Paulson has been named ADGP of Training.